Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Boy

Connor is the happiest boy in the world! We love his smile so much and he is always sharing it with us. He rarely fusses and is always offering a smile or laugh. He is really ticklish and I love giving him kisses all over just to hear him squeal. He even withstands his sister trying to ride him like a horse or play with his ears. We feel so blessed to have such an easy baby for our 2nd. He is still working on crawling and can move wherever he wants these days. He gets on all fours and does pushups but hasn't quite figured out how to move his arms to get to where he wants. Everyone who sees him in action will comment he will be crawling any day now. We aren't sure we are quite ready for that day!

I forgot to mention that the shiner you might notice in the pictures is in deed Connor's first black eye. He got it the other day playing on the floor. I had pillows behind him in case he fell backwards, but the boy managed to fall forward and hit his eye on the foot of Abby's American girl doll. He had a black eye for about two weeks. It is finally starting to heal. I think it made him look even more adorable and tough, too.


acupillari said...

He has the sweetest smile! Just like his big sister. : )

The O'Reillys said...

I love those pictures of Connor! He has the best smile, what a wonderful baby! I can't wait to see you next month!