Thursday, March 31, 2011

7 Months Old

We can hardly believe it has been seven months since Connor was born. We couldn't imagine life without him. He is such a happy and easy baby. He has started eating solids and so far loves everything we have fed him. We have tried yogurt, pumpkin, applesauce, pears, avocado, sweet potato and some finger food. He is moving where he wants to go now, although we aren't sure if we can official call it crawling because he flings himself forward instead of moving his arms when he "crawls". He also loves taking baths and swimming and he doesn't mind going underwater just like his sister. Connor loves to cuddle his blanket-or B and goes to sleep so easily. This week he just started sleeping through the night. I wish I could say the same for me. I am still up anticipating his wake up. He is very ticklish and has such a great laugh. His favorite person to laugh for is Abby. He is also talking up a storm-saying DA DA DA DA. I am still trying to get him to say MA MA and Abby tries to get him to say ABA, but so far we have not been very successful. We feel so lucky to have such wonderful happy kids.

1 comment:

acupillari said...

He has changed so much, I can't believe how much he looks like Abby now and how blond his hair is! He is gorgeous! Hope to see him and the rest of you in July when we come to Ohio.