Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Connor is 10 months

Connor turned ten months on the 25th of June. Boy am I behind with the blogging!! He is still such a sweet boy and we can't believe with every passing day he is getting closer to being a year old! Connor is eating more food every day and his favorite food seems to be hummus. He is not picky either. He even tried a spicy variety when we were at a party over the 4th of July and got mad when we stopped giving it to him. He also loves fruit and waffles. He seems to be a good eater just like his big sister. Connor is a great and FAST crawler and he loves when we crawl after him and chase him. He does a great job playing on his own and sometimes we feel bad that we don't give him more attention because his sister demands our attention most of the time-the big stinker(good thing she is so adorable!). We have noticed that he does get frustrated with toys when they don't do what he wants and he likes to scream at them. It is pretty funny. He is getting more confident and brave every day with standing on his own and loves to push things around and try to walk. He hasn't taken any steps independently yet, but I don't think it will be too much longer. Connor is also doing a great job waving, clapping and high fiving. He loves to climb on things and climb up slides. He gets so proud of himself. He also cut his first tooth a few days before he turned ten months old and his second one came a few days after. They are still pretty hard to see, but I can't wait for his little toothy smile to appear. We love our little guy so much and feel so blessed to have such happy and healthy kids.

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